Monday, September 6, 2010

Now We're Getting Somewhere

The first page of my opus. It's unfinished and still needs to undergo some minor finishes, but you pretty much see the first page. I'd really like to thank Mike for this. I know he's got a lot on his plate right now and I'm very appreciative that he' stuck with me on this project.

I can't wait to see and share more.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life Likes to Get in the Way of Life

Things are and will remain kind of hectic for the time being. I'm in school trying to finish up my remaining classes that will get me a degree and transfer to the four year university of my choice. Mike recently received an internship with a digital media company and I'm very happy for him. Not to mention this company does work for Marvel and Dark Horse comics, so that may come into use sometime down the road. Yes, I'm selfish.

Mike has sent me some rough layouts of first issue pages, so we're on a roll right now. They look good. I can't stop writing. I've been writing outlines for future issues. I'm also working on my other collabortation with my friend Jen. That's been moving kind of slow due to me writing for Unwanted Children, editing Mike's novella and me just being lazy. I need to learn to balance this stuff better if I ever hope to do it professionally.

Until next time.